A structured yet freeing dance-fitness class where we move for joy, not perfection.
@BodyVibe Studio / MoveMe Pilates / Nia Marin: 999 Andersen Drive, San Rafael, CA 94901
Purchase a class pass and reserve your spot HERE (or just SHOW UP)
These classes are heavily influenced by my dance background and 17+ years of teaching The Nia Technique, a dynamic blend of dancing arts, martial arts, and healing arts. One can expect jazz squares, duck walks, imaginary lasso competitions, sumo stances, cross behind cha cha chas, shimmies, giggles, kicks, blocks and floor play conditioning. We also explore the 5 sensations of fitness FAMSS: Flexibility, Agility, Mobility, Strength, and Stability.
*Joy is a physiological state and encompasses many emotions. Feeling aligned, alive, playful, spontaneous, grateful and connected are a few words I associate with Joy. It’s more than a happy feeling. Likewise, JoyFit is more than a dance-fitness class. See and feel for yourself! No dance skills needed to access Joy.